Thermo Scientific Eutech PCSTestr 35 is a waterproof multi-parameter compact pH/Conductivity/TDS/Salinity meter that offers 0.01 pH resolution, single or multi-point auto or manual calibration, auto ranging, adjustable TDS factor, ATC, data-hold, auto power-off, self-diagnostic messages and user-replaceable sensor module.
Parameter Modes
pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity
pH Range & Accuracy
0.0 to 14.00 pH & ±0.02 pH
Conductivity Range & Accuracy
0 to 200.00 uS, 2000 uS, 20.00 mS & ±1% full scale
TDS Range & Accuracy
0 to 100.00 ppm, 1000 ppm, 10.00 ppt & ±1% full scale