Cleanroom Oven 110L Print this pagePrint this page
Cleanroom Oven 110L
Price: On Request

> Horizontal Air Flow
> Encapsulated Insulation
> HEPA Filtration
> Nitrogen Purging
> 24-Step Ramp and Soak PID Controller
> Stainless Steel Interior & Exterior
> Built-in Overtemperature Protection
This cleanroom oven has an all heliarc-welded stainless steel interior, two adjustable perforated stainless steel shelves and rapid heat recovery. The controller is capable of a 40 step ramp and soak profile, or 4 files with 10 steps per file. It has three adjustable air intake and exhaust ducts that are easily removed for cleaning and allow the use of either room or recirculated air. This cleanroom oven is made with 3.5 inches of high-temperature, wrap-around insulation and a high-temperature silicone door gasket.

Capacity 110 Litre or 3.9 cu ft
Interior Dimensions 432 x 508 x 510 mm
Exterior Dimensions 890 x 737 x 965 mm
Temperature Range/Uniformity 40 to 200°C; ±1°C at 110°C
Heat-up Rate 10 min. at 110°C; 35 min. at 180°C
Shelving 2 supplied, 8 max